Noisy: The Class You Wrote a Hundred Times
You have probably written a class that prints a message in all its special member functions. And like me, you probably wrote it multiple times. I decided to write it well once and for all, and share it. ...
A Detour into Group Theory
While solving coding exercises, I stumbled upon a problem for which I found an interesting solution I wanted to share, with some nice mathematics involved. ...
nlohmann::json: The Ultimate Copy Tool?
The nlohmann::json library is a C++ JSON parser and generator that is very nice to use. But I ended up using it recently for something completely unrelated to JSON! ...
A Surprising Bug Involving the Comma Operator
Recently, I had to investigate a bug that I found interesting enough I wanted to share the story, bringing my blog back to life in the process! ...
Long Time No See
Hey there! It’s been a while 😅. ...
Readability of Logical Operators
Operators generally lead to a terse and familiar syntax that usually helps readability. However, this is not always the case. I want to present an alternative here, and I wonder why it isn’t used more often. ...
C++ Templates: A Language in the Language
C++ templates are a wonderful tool, with unforeseen capabilities at the time of their inception. They have grown into a sub-language inside of C++, with their own branching and looping constructs. ...
Hello, World! Obviously
What better way to start a new coding blog than with a “Hello, World!” post :) ...